Home Repair Survey

    This survey is intended to provide feedback on Habitat for Humanity of Central Lane's Home Repair program. We are soliciting responses from participants so that we can gather valuable feedback and improve the program, as well as report to funders and others about the successes of our program.

    Some of your responses may be used as quotations in our marketing materials - is it okay that we use your name, or would you prefer to remain anonymous?

    3. How did you hear about Habitat's Home Repair Program?

    4. How satisfied were you with the application process?


    5. How satisfied were you with the contract (paperwork) completion process?


    6. How satisfied were you with the sweat equity arrangements?


    Overall, how satisfied were you with the project timeline?

    8. How satisfied were you with Habitat staff and the volunteers working on your project?


    9. How satisfied are you with the finished project?


    10. How has/will this project impact your quality of life?

    11. Please mark how likely you would be to recommend Habitat for Humanity of Central Lane's Home Repair program to another homeowner.


    12. Please use this space to share anything else about your experience or about Habitat in general.