Do I Qualify for a Home Repair?

Home Repair Partner Eligibility Criteria

Home Repair Applications are currently closed

HFHCL works to eliminate sub-standard housing by assisting low-income homeowners, including veterans, seniors, and disabled homeowners with minor exterior home repairs with a primary focus on accessibility. Typical projects include exterior painting*, accessibility modifications (ramps, handrails, etc.), fence replacement, deck and stair improvements, and overgrown brush removal. *Habitat does not paint homes where lead-based paint is present. Please read our scope of work.

To qualify for home repair both the property and applicant must meet all of the following criteria.

1. Need

  1. The exterior areas of the home are in disrepair or unsafe and HFHCL’s scope of work will significantly benefit the homeowner.
  2. The homeowner is unable to physically and/or financially complete the work themselves.

2. Ability to Pay

  1. The household gross income (household members 18 years and over will be considered) must fall below 80% Area Median Income (AMI) based on the current year of H.U.D. Income Guidelines.
  2. The homeowner is required to pay a portion of the material costs using a sliding scale and payment plan. The payment plan will begin the month following the completion of the project and will be paid through equal monthly installments up to two (2) years with 0% interest.
  3. The project must be economically feasible under the Program and adhere to the scope of repairs HFHCL offers. The total cost of the project must fall between $500 and $2,500, with the exception to accessibility ramps which has a cap of $5,000.

3. Residency

  1. The home must be located within the HFHCL’s service area.
  2. The homeowner must be current on property taxes, mortgage payments (if applicable), and homeowner’s insurance premiums.
  3. The home must be owner-occupied, single-family house or mobile home, and the primary residence of the owner.

4. Willingness to Partner

  1. The homeowner must be present during the duration of the repair work even if Participation Hours are completed prior to the project.
  2. HFHCL requires homeowner and any additional able-bodied adult(s) (18 years or older) residing at the property to complete at least one (1) hour of Participation Hours for each $100.00 of project cost up to $1,000.00. An additional one-half (.5) hour of Participation Hours is added for reach $100.00 over $1,000.00.
  3. Home Repair Partners must acknowledge the implications of a highly publicized program. They should be prepared to share their story through in-person communications, participation in special events, area media (e.g., newspaper, radio, internet) and HFHCL publications (e.g., photos, videos, audio recordings). Note: in extenuating circumstances when safety and privacy are a primary concern, HFHCL will work with the Partner(s) to determine what is appropriate to be made public.

Monthly Area Median Income (AMI)

2024 Income limits
Household Size40% of
Median HUD
80% of
Median HUD
Median HUD Income
1$               24,950 $          49,900 $      62,370
2$               28,550 $          57,050 $      71,280
3$               32,100 $          64,200 $      80,190
4$               35,650 $          71,300 $      89,100
5$               38,500 $          77,000 $      96,228
6$               41,350 $          82,700 $    103,356
7$               41,200 $          88,400 $    110,484
8$               47,050 $          94,100 $    117,612

Sliding Scale Fees

%AMI% Payback
30% or less0%

Learn more about our application process.