We have a Fischer Village Building Permit!

Be patient. Everything is coming together

Thank you to all the past and present: Sponsors, Donors, Volunteers, Executive Directors, Development Directors, ReStore Directors, Construction Managers, and Employees, who helped bring this long awaited project to this very moment of right now.

It’s true, we can unequivocally say that we have the first of 6 building permits. It was quite a process to acquire this mighty piece of paper. So many stops and starts including a global pandemic were just some of the trials and tribulations to get here. But we’re HERE, finally here! Let’s Build the Village!

Six Moss Adams employees will be having fun on their group build day, July 29. Their work will entail positioning rebar and finishing the slab setup for hardware with pier form work to set for the front and rear patio posts. Their work will prepare the site for the first foundation pour on August 4th. Stay tuned for more photos and stories as we Build the Village.